What's the deal with wearing earrings?

Earrings and other jewelry are not allowed during AYSO games and practices, so please avoid getting ears pierced during or soon before the start of the season. Referees are instructed not to allow players at any age with earrings to participate out of concern for the player’s safety.

How does the Wait List work?

There are times when we may have more kids sign up to play in a specific division than we have room for or we do not have a sufficient number of certified volunteer coaches for a specific age division. In these cases we may be forced to place registered players on a Wait List until such time as either a new team is able to be formed or a space on an existing team becomes available. While this is not a common occurrence or a desired practice, it is sometimes necessary. In most cases, parents will be notified when they register (particularly for late registrations) that their child has been placed on a Wait List.

Players will not necessarily come off of the Wait List in the order in which they were placed on it. Region 70 will instead use a combination of factors to add players to teams or open spaces on teams. These factors include: volunteer status of the parents, order in which the player was registered, and rating of the player.

When taking players from the Wait List, we must take into account all of the program objectives and AYSO Philosophies, starting with maintaining balanced teams. This means that when a player drops from a team, we will look for a player of similar ability on the Wait List - we will look to replace a dropping strong player with another strong player if at all possible and vice versa. If we are unable to remove players from the Wait List prior to Week 3 of the Fall season, then we will offer parents a full refund.

What about COVID?

We will run our program in compliance with protocols issued by the LA County Department of Public Health, if any, regarding masking, testing and vaccinations. These guidelines are subject to change during our season, and a change in those rules will not be cause for player refunds except in the event our season is cancelled.

Does Region 70 offer financial aid for my child?

We do offer financial aid for our families for whom our registration fee will be a financial burden. Please send an email to our Registrar at [email protected] for more information or to request financial assistance.